The racist graffiti was found by a BME student
The Tab investigates this swell of hatred, and how it is being combatted
Flagging up problems with… flags
Apology follows an incident of anti-Semitism
Josh Jackson said this after a disciplinary meeting for an “unacceptably aggressive” campaign
This comes after several anti-Semitic incidents over the past few days.
“I decided that I didn’t have to put up with it and neither does anyone else”
And those who are celebrating “independence day” are barmy.
I need the NUS to support me and all the other minorities this privileged university bubble contains
Using Tokyo-to-Kyoto as a form of entertainment would have only furthered the growing insensitivity towards Asian cultures
The intersectionality movement has ignored an important oppressed minority.
Can’t be bothered to learn the history of a country? Assume they’re all the same and yell ‘offensive’ whenever things get a little international.
Hear ye, hear ye! Here’s why we should be first in the queue to disaffiliate.
“Why do you see a large Jewish society as a problem?”