
Image may contain: Table, Furniture, Face, Head, Library, Book, Indoors, Room, Human, Person

Tab Guide: Surviving the Pains of Post-prelim Life

No exams equals no stress right? Wrong.

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Things that prelimmers never say

‘Prelim life is the best life’

Prelims are a complete and utter waste of time

Finalists look away now

In Praise of Procrastination


In defence of post-prelim blues

We’ve all heard the chorus of “This term is super fun for English and History students! They get eight weeks of lounging in the grass before May Week while everyone else slaves in the library.”

I don’t have exams but I’m still stressed

Beware the Prelimers

Run for the fens, a plague is coming!

Diary of a 3rd Year

Eyebrow plucking, the UL Reading Room and Aled from Radio 1: KATIE MAIR imparts some revision wisdom.

Prelimers: A Call To Arms

Is there more to finishing prelims than gloating and getting drunk? BETH SWORDS investigates.