
A billionaire benefactor of Cambridge University faces threat of extradition to US

He has reportedly been donating millions to build our Ukrainian Studies centre

Alex Bower

ALEX BOWER finds teaching English in Moscow tough: you try dealing with a naked penis-examining three year old.

Alex Bower

ALEX BOWER’s dishes the Russian dirt on buying fake Schengen visas and the underground hand grenade trade.

Alex Bower

ALEX BOWER breaks the ice on Russian billboards. It’s all enormous tits and perfectly spherical arses, possibly with some sand.

Alex Bower

ALEX BOWER is back with his latest column. Meet his landlord, a self-styled hip-hop terrorist whose life is one constant high.

Alex Bower

Muscovy Magic Mushrooms, World of Warcraft and I Just Had Sex. It’s a day in the life of ALEX BOWER.

Alex Bower

New columnist ALEX BOWER finds living in Moscow is all riding fire extinguishers like a Nimbus 2000 and no smiles.

From Russia With Love: Part 3

ALEX BOWER tackles Russia’s problem with alcohol, and yet another unappetising breakfast.