
Image may contain: Reading, Text, Book, Human, Person, People

One refugee who survived a perilous journey to Britain is now studying at Cambridge

The Tab talks to Rabia Nasimi

Matthew Parris: ‘We need to stick to our guns’

MP. Journalist. Amateur fertility expert? Matthew Parris looks back on a varied career.

Is it possible to be sexy AND cute?

One self-identified cute girl asks the big question.

UNION VOTE: Assange WILL speak at Union after tense debate and withering comments from Wikileaks supporters

The lines are closed, the votes are counted

Oxbridge misrepresented in the media, again

Vice made us look like horrendous toffs…

Broken Brittan? Sex Abuse Scandal Hits Cambridge

Labour Club slams CUCA over their sex-scandal embroiled Vice President.

Alastair Campbell: The Man Who Hates Cambridge

The former spin-doctor lectures Cambridge students about “A Life at the Nexus of Media and Politics”

Don’t Get in a Huff! Carla Buzasi and the Future of Journalism

SARA STILLWELL questions whether the rise of digital media has empowered the masses.

Katie Zinser: Week 4

Can you balance having a life and taking your subject seriously? KATIE thinks you can, but she hasn’t worked it out yet.

We Need To Talk About Drugs

Why drug-hysteria only makes things worse.

UPDATE: The Strauss-Man Cometh

UPDATE: The lawyer of an alleged DSK victim has taken the Union to task at a Womens’ Campaign event.

Americanisms: What’s The Big Issue?

Do “Americanisms” bastardize our fair Queen’s English?

The Allure of the Nerd

Forget the rest – it’s what’s between a man’s ears that counts.

The Publicity of Protests

Want your cause to get heard by the media? It seems that violence is the way to go.

Debate: Sexy at Sixty?

Is ageism is ever acceptable? Is it ever okay to see over-60s simulating sex on morning television?

The Language Of The Like

That chirpy Facebook thumbs-up is undermining our use of language, one happy click at a time.

Time to Slutwalk

ANNA SHEINMAN goes ‘slutwalking’ and discovers that this a movement for all – and one to be reckoned with.

Union Lifts Press Ban to Make Elections “Exciting”

Anyone running for a Union position can now launch Facebook campaigns and use any media as the Union tries to pull more voters in.

Manorexic Mannequins

Following the introduction of 27- inch waisted male mannequins, TABATHA LEGGETT looks at manorexia.

Under the Influence

TABATHA LEGGETT offers her thoughts on ‘Time’ magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People’ list.