lucy butterfield

Lucy Butterfield


Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD finds solace in the goldfish bowl of life.

Lucy Butterfield

This week, Saturday isn’t Treat Day. Saturday is sick day.

The Tempest

LEO PARKER-REES isn’t angry, he’s just disappointed.

Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD tries her hand at stage managing. Mistake.

Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD procrastinates, and she invites you to join her.

Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD experiences indecent exposure. And public humiliation. In one day.

Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD’s year has got off to a great start.

Columnists Revealed – Lent 2012

Time to find out the names you’ve all been waiting for…

Tab Tries: Being a Street Entertainer

LUCY BUTTERFIELD is cynical about buskers, but The Tab encouraged her to grab a guitar and her best singing voice and become one of them by wooing the passers by of Cambridge with a ditty or two.