Lib Dem

Meet the Candidates

Including a PhD, a nurse and an amateur DJ

Tim Farron speaks at Cambridge Union, talks Brexit and claims ‘Farage is into cheap lager’

The Lib-Dem leader spoke to students about Brexit and a ‘fact averse nationalist elite’

End the useless war on drugs

Drugs prohibition has failed. Stop locking people up for possessing drugs

Huppert’s Mental Health Survey results are ‘extremely worrying’

But Huppert says he has the track record to ‘transform’ the status quo

CUSU Election advisor in court for child abuse

Our good ol’ student union just can’t seem to get a break.

You Cannabis Serious?

A Lib Dem councillor reckons that cannabis is so rife in parts of Cambridge that we might as well legalise it. Rock on!

Tab Tries: Political Extremism

Bored of the red team and the blue team? JACK EMMINS takes a walk on the wild side of politics.

No Victories For Student Council Hopefuls

Students lose out in council elections amidst a low turnout.

Vince Unable

TOM MOULE: “Vince was no longer Britain’s golden boy, and his recent antics have left many people wondering why on earth he was ever front-runner in the race to become Chancellor of the Exchequer.”

Why Are the Lib Dems so Shit?

In the lead up to 6th May, DAN WALKER asks why the Lib Dems aren’t the clear front runner.

Cameron’s Gay Times Gaffe

LUKE HAWKSBEE on David Cameron’s fluffing of questions concerning homosexuality in a recent interview with Gay Times.