
Your indie music taste doesn’t make you cool

There’s a solid chance you’re boring

What your Cambridge cafe says about you

Let’s be honest, you’re mostly here for the Instagram potential.

Chronic hipsterism is ruining my life

Why I’m such a prick: the article

Give the people their columnists

Hipsterish affectations, a foodie fantasist, a boatie, a grumpy hack and a Bristolian Engling will take you through Easter 2016.

Finn McRedmond Week 2: I wish I was cool

Have you met my friend Dave? Dave is cool, like really cool. And he knows that you know it.

Tab Tries: Being Edgy

New Features Editor LAUREN CHAPLIN records the trials and tribulations of a fun-loving girl trying to fit in with the cool kids at Cambridge.

Interview: Passion Pit

HARRIET WADE and KATIE FORSTER meet the band PASSION PIT before their show at The Junction for a chat about life on tour, their music and whether they think they’ve ‘sold out’.

The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain: The Return of Joe Rubini and the Spooks

Joe Rubini’s return makes JAKE ARNOTT pine for some hard narcotics.

I Want To Sell Out

JOE BATES on why every artist should aim for the mainstream.

Kambar Closing Is A Loss To Us All

Culture Editor and Filthy Lucre founder JOE BATES: without Kambar, Cambridge will be a poorer and less exciting place to be.

Simon Norman

This week, SIMON NORMAN’s getting all topical. He’s talking occupations and hispters.