
Reflections on Cambridge after a year abroad

When people ask me how my year abroad in Japan went, I usually say “it was interesting”.

Against unpaid internships

Don’t perpetuate an unfair system by taking an unpaid internship

Grad Life Sucks

Enjoy the bubble while you can. Because when that shit bursts, your life is resigned to decades of tragic (corporate) meaningless

Stay in education as long as you can – the future is bleak

Don’t grow up, it’s a trap

A View From Helen

New Culture Columnist HELEN SIMMONS shares her experiences of life after Cambridge – and how dream jobs are worth waiting for.

Before the Bubble Bursts: Part I

BEN DALTON and KATIE KIBBLER reckon there is more to do before you graduate than pass exams…

PidgeSecret: Episode Three

PidgeSecret returns in full force for the last week of term. Hopes, fears and toilets – all tastes are served.

The Muppets

JAMIE MATHIESON describes The Muppets as ‘profound and moving’, and asks himself – am I a man or a Muppet?

The Dawn of the Quarterlife Crisis

Think your Glory Years are on their way? Think again.

The Tiger Mum in You

Could it be that inside every Cantab roars a proud Tiger Mother?

Life After Cambridge: Part Two

This week, IZZY PRITCHARD celebrates the redemptive powers of sensible shoes, and negotiates post-grad, chat-based interaction. She survives, just about.

There’s No Point Stressing About Graduation

LVJ on why internships are pointless and we should all just relax.

Jonny Walker

It’s JONNY WALKER’s last column. And he’s a bit emotional.

Visa Nightmare For Med Student

The Afghani mother of a Cambridge medical student has repeatedly been denied a visa to come to England to attend his graduation.

Shit, I’m Unemployed!

It’s third year, you’ve got no money and no prospects. Becoming an astronaut was only an option when you were six. ISOBEL PRITCHARD is thinking of a way out.

The Graduate Lunch

TAKE ME OUT: Spend your parents’ money and celebrate your degree with The Tab’s restaurant guide.

Life Begins at 21?

JAMES WAN wonders if life outside the bubble is all it’s cracked up to be.

The Cambridge Curse

Getting stressed out about careers and having to sort the rest of your life out? AMY CARTER on facing the future, and how to deal with it now.

Berk in Burka Row

Nick Griffin has slated Cambridge for allowing students to graduate in burkas