Did you go to a state school?

A comprehensive student in crisis? PAIGE SMEATON will let you in on a secret

Diary of a 3rd Year

Eyebrow plucking, the UL Reading Room and Aled from Radio 1: KATIE MAIR imparts some revision wisdom.

I Heart Hard Exams

JOE BATES wants harder exams. But not for him: for his little sister.

Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD finds solace in the goldfish bowl of life.

Bouncers: The Remix

TOBY PARKER REES & JESSICA PATTERSON are on the door. Shit plays aren’t getting in. ‘Bouncers’ goes home alone.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

SUZANNE BURLTON notices the powerful but not obnoxious odour of veracity.

Theatre Guide Dog: Week 3

TOBY PARKER-REES has a play on this week, but may also mention others in passing.

Confessions Of The Degraded: 1

DOUGLAS THOMSON gives the first in a three-part series about the reality of what it’s like to degrade.

Tab Rates vs. Tab Slates: Week Three

You still know the drill, but the drill works.