
Confessions of an MML-er

So alphabet. Many letters, much language

Review: The Bald Prima Donna

MARK DANCINGER pense que La Cantatrice Chauve est très bien (He thinks the play is good).

I’m a Linguist get me out of here

As most Third Years are saying goodbye to their degrees, MMLer CLAIRE HUXLEY gives an insight into the lives of their year abroad counterparts.

Documentary Films You Really Must See

SOPHIE WILLIAMS advises documentary-newbies about how to get in ‘the know’ in time for Watersprite.

How to Impress an MML Student Without Really Trying

SOPHIE WILLIAMS tells you how to blag your way into the heart of an MML-student by watching films.

Don’t read it, watch it: Thérèse Raquin (MML)

SOPHIE WILLIAMS finds out whether the 1953 film version of your French set-text will help you pass your exams.

Alex Jackman: Week 5

This week, ALEX JACKMAN avoids talking about himself by divulging some nice little anecdotes from fellow Cantabs.

Pancake Pandemonium

Stand out from the crowd this Pancake Day with LEAF ARBUTHNOT’s culinary offerings.

Interview: Al Murray

My first Fringe show was described as ‘the worst show on the Fringe.’ ELENA PALA has a white wine with legendary pub landlord AL MURRAY.

Simon Page

SIMON PAGE drove two imitation 1970s American Police Cars from Cambridge to Barcelona last weekend. And he learnt some valuable life lessons.

My Year Abroad: Part 1

The first in a three part series following TOMMY BAJOREK’s year abroad in Ukraine. This week: first impressions, tree surgeons and vodka.

Summer Blogs: Gap Yah, Anyone?

22/8: New update from new Opinion Editor OLLIE KAY and MICHAEL O’HALLORAN on their five-week South East Asian extravaganza – more to come, so watch this space.

Review: A Prophet

BAYAN PARVIZI urges you to go and see this masterpiece at any cost.