
Image may contain: Person, People, Human

QUIZ: Which Cambridge night out are you?

Answer these questions and uncover your true self…

Image may contain: Worship, Church, Cathedral, Architecture

Revealed: Homophobia is rife in Cambridge clubs

LGBT+ women have reported being targeted by bouncers

Has ARCSOC become a parody of itself?

The ~eDgE- of glory

What to do on Halloween

Where to go on the one night of the year you’re allowed to dress up and scare people half to death (unless you’re a killer clown, in which case go away)

Clubbers of the Week: Week Two/Three

No one is safe

Clubbers of the Week: Freshers’ Spectacular

No one is safe

TAB TRIES: Exam term clubbing

It is ten times more depressing than you think it would be.

AMATEY DOKU: “I want to associate myself with the cool kids.”

We spoke to JCSU bigwig Amatey Doku, who is running for CUSU President.

The Week Ahead: A Streetcar Named Desire, Mark Hamill and Turf @ Junction

From Luke Skywalker to Lare+Lola, we bring you all the must-attend events for this week

The Week Ahead: The F Word, Jeremy Vine and The History Boys

A better alternative than trying to sort through the chaos of all the Facebook events you’ve clicked attending on.

TOMORROW: A Major Lazer locks on to Cambridge

Cadenza, newest member of Major Lazer, touches down at Fez tomorrow.

Clubbers of the week

It’s back with a vengeance

Flash dance: The 80s come to Cambridge

Reach for the leg-warmers, safe as fuck.

DMCs need to die now

Do us a favour

Drinks are being spiked in Fez

Cambridge’s ‘coolest venue’ is taking a dark turn, after several reports of spiked drinks prompted Christ’s to respond – with an email

Freshers’ Week in a Series of Renaissance Paintings

Want to know what freshers’ will be like? The old masters had it covered.

Cripple in Cambridge – Week 6

With exams finishing, ABBI BROWN is ready to club. On wheels.

Tales of my Greedy Punt – Week 2

MAISY MINT lets you know the best breezy places to fuck.

Tab Tries: Legal Highs

Human guinea pig extraordinaire LAURA ROLLINS pumps her body full of powerful and potentially dangerous mind-altering chemicals.

TURF to programme Sidney Sussex May Ball

Not content with revolutionising Cambridge clubbing, it seems TURF is set to make its May Ball debut