
Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Caius Economics fellow protests NAKED* in viral video

…*well, wearing nothing but £70

Image may contain: Fence

Refusing to be invisible

Ribbons tied outside Senate House ahead of the discussion about reforming the sexual assault disciplinary procedure

Image may contain: Back, Person, People, Human

Gal power needs to think outside the bubble

Women’s activism in Cambridge is often too insular and not global enough

Image may contain: Trademark, Logo, Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Poster, Person, People, Human

The Tab Talks to the Guilty Feminist

Deborah Frances – White, host of The Guilty Feminist podcast, discusses free speech, comedy, and dismantling the patriarchy

Image may contain: Parade, Crowd, Human, Person, People

There is nothing trivial about sexual harassment

Swaps, clubs, and opening up about sexual harassment in Cambridge

Exclusive: Medwards will accept all trans women as students

Students previously had to be legally recognised as women under the Gender Recognition Act

History examiners told not to use the word ‘genius’ as it is associated with men

The statement follows news of radical History Faculty reform


Feminism is for life, not just for Christmas

REVIEW: Footlights Lady Smoker

A laugh filled ensemble of self-deprecating gaffes

Jonathan Pie’s speech was rape-apologist drivel

CN: rape, sexual assault

Caius college announces first female Master

She’ll come into post in late September 2018

A Cantab’s Guide to Oral Sex

Going down on anyone, especially for the first time, can be really daunting

Review: Why is John Lennon wearing a skirt?

An open manual about what ’gender’ and ’social construction’

Why we invited Katie Hopkins to speak at The Cambridge Union

It’s all about free debate

How to have great sex at Cambridge

Doing the dirty to (at least) a 2:1 standard

WEEK EIGHT NEWS ROUNDUP: Classy Classics, 50 Cent, and Christmas Adverts

We made it! And, unfortunately for some, they also made the news.

Toxic Masculinity: a Disaffected Generation

Masculinity is in crisis, but it’s not what it seems

PORN SURVEY RESULTS: including Cambridge’s most porn-obsessed faculty

We asked. Over a thousand of you answered.

News Roundup Week 2: Sun, Sex, and Suspicious Papparazos

ARMIN SOLIMANI rounds up a debauched week of warm days and warmer sheep

We protest Trump – we must support Irish women

I haven’t heard the reproductive rights of Irish students discussed once.