
My week in haikus

Didn’t want to fork out that pound for a copy of Notes? It’s alright, we’ve got you covered.

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 5

This week ELLIE SLEE accidentally stumbles upon what might be true love…

Tab Tries: Legal Highs

Human guinea pig extraordinaire LAURA ROLLINS pumps her body full of powerful and potentially dangerous mind-altering chemicals.

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 3

This week ELLIE SLEE takes a break from her search for love in the Bubble to go on a ‘relaxing’ weekend away with friends…

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 2

Innocent flower ELLIE SLEE continues her desperate attempts to get laid.

Octavia Sheepshanks: Week 5

OCTAVIA is back, and this week, she talks about the diary she’s kept since the age of 6.

Diary of An All-Nighter

Queen of procrastination CLAUDIA BLUNT gives her account of a (not so) successful all-nighter…

Diary of a Librarian

A look inside the secret world of the librarian – it’s one full of books, bourbons and bitching.

The Vile Voyeur

What’s worse than Neuroticism? Nothing.