
Made in Chelsea’s Toff opens up about her anxieties, politics and the press

She was speaking about reality television at the Cambridge Union

Deuce-y gossip and advice served up by Boris Becker at the Union

Quickfire shots of Boris Becker’s Sunday afternoon interview

Jonathan Pie comedian gives rape joke speech at Cambridge Union

Students claim Tom Walker trivialised sexual assault in shocking Union debate

YEATES DEBATES: Why can’t Cambridge students handle opinions?

‘Opinions’ looks like ‘onions’. Both can make you cry.

A very Cambridge Christmas message from The Tab

Fa la la la la

CLASS LISTS: An open letter to Dr Roger Sewell

The arguments presented by Dr Sewell shows everything that is wrong with Fellows making a decision about class lists.

Here’s what went down at the NUS disaffiliation debate

Eduroam timed out during the debate so, for the seven of you watching on the livestream, and for the rest of you who were probably revising, this is what went down:

The reasons why all sheep must die

Baa-lar morghulis

Emma Watson’s feminist book club: empowering or elitist?

The Tab Lifestyle Long Read: Feminism is for everyone, but this book club isn’t and it’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

The Week Ahead: The F Word, Jeremy Vine and The History Boys

A better alternative than trying to sort through the chaos of all the Facebook events you’ve clicked attending on.

The war on junior doctors is stupid, unfair, and utterly misguided

The cynical attempt to paint hard working junior doctors as cash obsessed “moet medics” is everything that’s wrong with this government

Jesse Jackson tells the Union “The playing field is not even”

73% of the chamber voted with Rev. Jesse Jackson that the American Dream is affected by race

Why I wrote Tristram Shandy for the ADC

WILL DALRYMPLE isn’t convinced that there’s all that much wrong with the student writing scene.

Having opinions: Why we’ve got it wrong

You are not defined by one issue

Cambridge is ‘obsessively’ anti-Israel: Union debate descends into chaos

Shit hit the fan

Religious apathy gets you nowhere

Wanky articles trumpeting apathy don’t help anyone

The Bicentenary Debate: Just like the good old days

Simply… ‘charming’

The Bicentenary Debate is self-indulgent, elitist and stupid

It’s still an old boys’ club – and you’re not invited

Germaine Greer is a massive hater

She is a bizarre human being

Whose University: The last word

Enough already