
Tab Cribs: Peterhouse Rivals

We’re back to Peterhouse for this week’s Tab Cribs with yet another panelled set claiming to be the real “Best Room In Cambridge”.

Tab TV College Cribs: St Catz

Is this the worst room in Cambridge? TabTV takes a look inside Alex Nelson’s crib.

Cambridge Cribs: Mark

This week, Cribs barges in on a rather unprepared student named Mark…

Cambridge Cribs: Oliver James, John’s

A brand new Cambridge Cribs brings us a look inside the room of St John’s very own Oliver James.

Cambridge Cribs – George Williams, Clare College

The enlightened George Williams shows us around his pad in Clare.

Cambridge Cribs: Julius Handler, Churchill

This week’s episode takes us to the Crib of Julius, a man a bit out of his time.

Cambridge Cribs: Hunter Allen, Fitz

In this week’s episode of Cambridge Cribs, Hunter Allen (6′4″) shows off his room, the smallest in Fitz.

Tab Cribs: Murray Edwards

JESSICA O’DRISCOLL-BREEN tells us how coming last in the room ballot led her to domestic paradise and nocturnal flashers.

Tab Cribs: St John’s

DUNCAN MAUD tells BEN DALTON a tale of domestic bliss from his room at John’s. Just without a bidet.

Tab Cribs: King’s

Yearn for views good enough to ‘beat any hangover’? One lucky King’s student has just that and more.