
Sophie Thorpe

SOPHIE THORPE addresses her anonymous commenters in her last ever column.

Will Seymour

WILL SEYMOUR seeks the comfort of escapism in the bounteous bosom of a corseted Victorian wench, but even his own self-spun yarns end in a tangle of despair and impotence.

Tom Rasmussen

TOM RASMUSSEN presents: his guide to escaping exam term nothingness.

Will Seymour

WILL SEYMOUR begins his series of columns with an indiscriminate plea for ‘The One’

Hardy Cubasch

HARDY CUBASCH’s life’s suddenly got glamorous as the Boat Race draws nearer and the world is informed of the lucky 9 who’ll be racing in front of millions in 18 days time.

Louise Ripley-Duggan

It’s LOUISE RIPLEY-DUGGAN’s last column. And she’s writing about writing. It’s deep stuff.

Hardy Cubasch

HARDY CUBASCH continues his countdown to the big day with a look what is for some people the first really important day of the year: CUBC trials