cambridge colleges

Churchill Spring Ball: drunk in dystopia

Cheers Winston, top night

RAG Come Dine With Me: Which course is your college?

“Like Blind Date but less awkward, and in a team”

What kind of date is your college?

Yep, it’s fucking Valentine’s Day today

Colleges have an iron grip on our wallets

Cough up 

A reading week would ruin Cambridge

CUSU Women’s campaign and CDE have bred and spawned a new hashtag monster, #endweek5blues.

Whose University: The last word

Enough already

110 minutes with WU?

Two of our writers infiltrated the inaugural ‘Whose University?’ meeting. They emerged as shells of their former selves

Are you nerdier than a Royal Holloway student, Cambridge?

Compare yourself to national stats! (Surprise surprise, Oxonians are pretty average.)

Roof or Dare

Fearless King’s students send authorities through the roof.

Don’t Whine about the Wine

Cambridge colleges spent £3m on wine last year, and you should shut up about it

James Mitchell

Old man about town JAMES MITCHELL kicks off his brand new column.

Downing Student To Take On Lib Dems In Local Election

Downing 2nd year Ashley Walsh is to stand for Labour for local election, in a ward that affects almost 10 colleges.