
Cambridge SU responds to SU Welfare Officer Resignation

Cambridge SU issues statement to fight intensifying criticism

Cambridge University’s response to Covid-19 shows a real lack of initiative and students deserve better

Why is the University waiting for our government to mandate changes before it acts?

Oxford tells students to go home while at Cambridge, Girton Spring Ball is still going ahead

There are due to be 1,400 attendees

Faces of Cambridge: Giving the homeless a voice – a series

Part 5: “He was dead from the cold. And this is what they’re doing” – how insensitive Council policies affect rough sleepers

‘WHITE POWER’ written on laundry whiteboard of Emmanuel College accommodation

The racist graffiti was found by a BME student

Image may contain: Bass Guitar, Building, Steeple, Spire, Tower, Architecture, Musical Instrument, Guitar, Leisure Activities

What song is your Cambridge college?

We have matched famous songs to colleges – which one is yours?

Image may contain: Gown, Evening Dress, Robe, Fashion, Long Sleeve, Human, Person, Sleeve, Clothing, Apparel

The Dragtime Diaries

Want to know what it takes to look this fabulous? Look no further….

Image may contain: Pc, Laptop, Electronics, Computer, Person, People, Human, Poster, Collage

Clubbers of the Week – Week 7!!!

Lectures may be off but the sesh don’t stop

No Bra Day: Yay or Nay?

24 hours of national bralessness. Let us rejoice.