
How to keep a tortoise in college

And not get lynched by an army of angry porters.

Where not to go this summer

Think your summer is going to be anticlimactic? Don’t worry, says ELOISE DAVIES. It could be so much worse.

Drugged up Cambridge?

Pass the opium? Performance-enhancing drugs might just do the trick in the stressful Cambridge experience.

The Death of Monogamy

Is it time to ditch fidelity and find yourself an affair? FREYA BERRY on the age of the super injunction.

Theatre Guide Dog: Week 6

Who let the plays out? It certainly wasn’t the Theatre Guide Dog, but he’ll help chase them back in. Again. Thanklessly.

Tab Best Bloke: Winner Announced

The votes have been counted and The Tab can now announce who you awarded the title of Best Bloke to have come out of Cambridge.

Exam Term Enigmas

LUCY ALDOUS takes a look at examination traditions – and discovers beer, swords and wooden spoons.