
Running around Cambridge

In a sporty way not a panic way

Predictions for a Fresher’s Lent Term

By a washed-out Second Year

Let’s stop arguing about everything and actually do something

It’s time to get out of the Cambridge bubble.

Black balloons loom over Senate House as anti fossil fuel campaigners strike again

They were protesting Cambridge University’s investments in fossil fuels

Grad Life Sucks

Enjoy the bubble while you can. Because when that shit bursts, your life is resigned to decades of tragic (corporate) meaningless

Cambridge is AWESOME

PATRICK BROOKS fucking loves Cambridge, and here’s why you should too.

The Cambridge Bubble Is To Become Literal

SANDY McCLEERY runs us through Cambridge’s City Council’s latest weird move.


C.R.E.A.M. is Fez’s latest Sunday night offering, but is it a worthy addition to Cambridge nightlife? Read on to find out.

Robert Smith: Culture Vulture

ROB SMITH gives us his usual cultural highlights with an added angry rant thrown in.