
Image may contain: Glasses, Person, People, Human

Stop moaning about Cambridge clubbing

Get over yourself mate

Has ARCSOC become a parody of itself?

The ~eDgE- of glory

Tab Guide: How to be ~~ Edgy ~~

Don’t let your enthusiasm for “poetry in prose” destroy your bad boy image

The Tab’s guide to becoming a student DJ

Of all the hives of BNOCery in Cambridge, the student DJ community is the most elusive and trendy. Because we love you, here’s a guide to becoming the uni’s top selector.

Review: Arcsoc’s “Paradise Garage” Night of Disco

Arcsoc’s Night of Disco was just another average Cambridge night out despite the hype.

ArcSoc: Why we were right to have SEX DOLLS in the Guildhall windows

But venue launch investigation after complaints by appalled parents.

lifestylecamtab: The best of Cambridge Snapoween

We did well this Halloween. Pats on the back all round.

Arc night of the soul: Reputation of ArcSoc in tatters after chaotic Halloween event

ArcSoc’s Halloween ent – “The Metamorphosis” – morphed into a nightmare probably more appropriate for Halloween than planned.

Which ARCSOC event are you?

Have you ever wanted to know what // edgy event >> you’d be if your spirit was encapsulated in a // club night at Fez?

Finn McRedmond Week 2: I wish I was cool

Have you met my friend Dave? Dave is cool, like really cool. And he knows that you know it.

ArcSoc Cabaret: Saturate

Colour, alcohol, music, dancing, life drawing: what more do you need?

ArcSoc Review: Magnavox Odyssey

TOBIAS DE MONFORT-JONAS considers this most conceptual of nights

ArcSoc: Best dressed

SIMI SANDHU picks out the best costumes from ArcSoc’s Voluptuosus.

What’s On Week 6

All aboard the culture train for another week of (worthwhile) procrastination!

Rachel Tookey: Week 3

This week, RACHEL TOOKEY offers us some of Cambridge’s finest fashion advice (with illustrations).


Dionysia doesn’t live up to TOMMY SHANE’s fantasies, but he does have another run in with Jessica O’Driscoll Breen.

Arcsoc Cabaret

JOE BATES almost forgets the naked ladies of Arcsoc’s Cabaret.


JOE PRITCHARD finds Fez fresh after a musical makeover.

Halloween’s Coming

Looking for a frightful night and scared the bop just won’t quite cover it? JENNA CORDEROY puns her way through five days’ worth of Halloween ideas for this spooky week.