Quiz: We bet you can’t tell the difference between Girton and Oxford

Admit it, you’ve only visited one of them

As we embrace this online term, the thing we all definitely miss the most is the pretty buildings (let’s be honest, that’s the main reason we applied to Cambridge anyway).

Sitting at home, you’re probably thinking about all the Cambridge architecture you never got round to seeing (*cough* Girton *cough*).

In fact, I reckon, (and no, professor, I cannot provide a citation for this data) more Cambridge students have visited the University of Oxford than they have Girton College, Cambridge. So let’s put my theory to the test. Have a go at The Tab’s Girton or Oxford picture quiz (you might surprise yourself):

Feature image credits: Zac Copeland-Greene, Camfess via Facebook, @makeupanoxguy via Twitter and Jeremy Zhu via Pixabay License