Love is in the air
All over town eager Cantabs with ambitions of finding their soulmate will be gracing restaurants and bars. Are you embarking on this romantic adventure? Have your hopes of true love fallen flat, or just turned out to be plain awkward? Message The Tab Facebook page or email [email protected] to keep us all updated on your romantic escapades.
22:45 The dates are over, and Rag Blind Date is finally reaching its conclusion. Our prospective couples have headed to Cindies, while our less succesful few, well, have headed home. Until next year, Rag Blind Daters, we salute you.
22:22 Dan Edwards, resident sex-symbol and cougar has just returned from the battlefield. He has only this to say: “I appreciate fine wine, but 29 is beyond the pale.
22:04 All seems to have gone quiet. Either all the dates have gone amazingly well and people are otherwise occupied, or the dates have gone so badly people are at home crying.
21:39 The saga has developed – we have found the best friend!
21:31 Had a happy story of a match well made “Have just got back from my dinner date (cut short because of other plans), and it went so well we’ve already agreed to a second date!! RAG smashed it with the matching this year!!”
21:10 Nothing says romance like shameless promotion.
21:08 Just had an update that somebody’s date is married. Not college married. Married married. More updates as we get them.
21:04 A poor lonely guy at the back of the Maypole has been stood up. He is currently chainsmoking in sadness.
20:58 WARNING: Do not approach The Maypole if you are not coupled up. It is a couples only zone. You will be infected.
20:47 Lifestyle and Fashion editor Alex here, has fallen asleep. Be more interesting, Cambridge.
20:44 Couples seem to have taken over the Maypole. Apparently, the ambient lighting of the outside area is perfect for kindling romance.
20:21 Blind date stalking has moved on from simple, supple Facebook stalking to Linkedin stalking. He had 4 A Stars in Stem subjects though, which is good.
20:04 Awkward introductions and car crash dates ensue.
20:01 One of the Tab team is on a date with a 29 year old – a 9 year age difference…
19:57 Darwin have no RAG reps. Why?
That’s evolution/natural selection for you Darwin. Cold and brutal.
19:45 We’ve just received a message, all in caps lock, where one Cantab’s blind date is ‘BANGING MY BEST FRIEND’. We’re currently establishing whether she means her date is currently engaged in the aforementioned activity or whether the said banging as happening on a longer term basis.
19:38 We are coming to you LIVE from the Union bar, with hopeless romantics turned Lifestyle & Fashion Editors Alex and Meg and emotionally dead inside Editors Hannah and Rory, who, well, struggle to understand human emotion after continuous Tab indoctrination.
19:20: Some poor soul is dateless – anyone fancy a date with the second best bum in Cambridge?
19:09: Somebody got stood up on their date for not being Christian.