Royal Holiday? Don’t Bank On It

Uni Offices will be closed for the royal wedding, but students will still be expected to go to lectures and exams, despite an official Bank Holiday.

Bank hoLIDAY Exams holiday Lectures prince william royal wedding university offices

Lectures and exams will still go ahead on the day of the royal wedding, despite an official Bank Holiday.

As is tradition, a Bank Holiday has been declared for the royal wedding in April between Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Uni Offices will be closed on the wedding day, but students will still have to slog away at work.

The Uni argued this is normal practice for Bank Holidays that fall within term, but some students weren’t pleased with the news.

John’s fresher Joe Chartreuse Clarke told The Tab: “I think its appalling, nay, sacrilegious that we should be expected to work on a Royal holiday.”

“This is something that should be sacrosanct.”

But Anna Glendenning, a 1st year studying English at Homerton, disagreed, saying: “We are only here for 8 weeks anyway; do we really need more unnecessary time off?”

Prince William will marry Kate Middleton on April 29th.