Everything you’re going to miss about Brookes when you graduate

Goodbye old friend

It’s been three magical years but it’s finally time to fly the nest and leave the JHB forever. You’ve spent the last year excited to finish, dreaming of not spending every day on the fourth floor- but the thought of actually no longer being a student is actually pretty heartbreaking. Here’s everything you’ll miss about Brookes when you graduate:

Purple Turtle

The best sponto nights always finish downing Brookes shots in our PT haven. Brooklyn Zoo is your spiritual home, and £3 VKs have been your only saviour from Dissertation hell. You’ll miss the sticky floors and the chunder filled toilets, and seeing Old Man Bridge every Tuesday at Wannabe.

Always being five minutes away from a pub

Oxford is filled with a lot of important history, libraries, and most crucially a fucking lot of good pubs. You’ll miss being able to walk five minutes in any direction and being able to find you and your mates a pub. Too many times you found yourself in the Cowley Retreat when you should have been doing work, but you don’t regret a thing. One of the most painful bits about leaving Brookes will be missing the constant sesh.

Third floor silent area

S/o to this floor for being the only consistent thing in your life in third year. If walls could talk they would tell of waterfalls of tears, but deep down we all secretly love it, and you’ll probably reminisce about it when you’re gone.

The Deli

Where else can you get that much alcohol for a fiver??


In what other place is it socially acceptable to get trashed on a boat, go out and end up trollied on Magdalen Bridge at 6am (if you made it that far)? Mayday is the biggest date in every Brookes student’s calendar, and next year on April 31st you’ll probably find yourself on a train to Ox. Long live our May Day piss ups!

Walking round pretending like you go to Oxford Uni

Your social media is filled with scenic pics from Oxford, so it looks like you spent all your time in Jericho. In reality you just take enough pics when you do go there to keep your insta aesthetic going. You wander round the Radcliffe Camera and the Bodleian as though you were filming a scene from Lewis, but really you’re probably going to Maccy’s before you get the U1 back to Headington. You tell all your family friends you ‘study in Oxford’, forgetting to add the ‘Brookes’ on the end. Oops.

Posh Nosh

The only way to end the night. Will you ever find a better place for this than Posh Nosh?  The staff will say you look beautiful even when you’ve got vodka soaked in your hair and mascara down your face. You know that at the end of the night, when after-work drinks at your sparkling new grad job in the city are over, the pull of Posh Nosh will be too strong. Your new life in London will only feel bearable when you feel your Oxford Tube £10 return ticket safely tucked in your pocket.

 Your free bus pass

Admit it, your Brookes Key has been your saviour for the last free years and a bit of you will die inside when you have to start paying for your own transport. Although, the U1 won’t be quite as missed.

Brookes Union

Jokes, they’re terrible.