Unplanned nights out are always the best ones

I bet you won’t even get that drunk

You go to the pub, thinking you’ll just have one pint as you have a 9am the next day, hours later you are throwing up in some obscure area of Oxford with very little understand of how you ended up there.

Maybe you’ll be feeling regretful, but here are the benefits of unexpectedly going on the rip:

It’s always fun

You are with your mates, or even just some random guy you met at Cafe Baba. You’re having a great time, you still have your headphones on and your smart shoes, but that doesn’t matter since you haven’t eaten so the four pints at the pub hit you like a train.

How it starts

There are no worries 

You literally cannot worry about your work, you are too intoxicated to turn up to the JHB at 1am like this, even though you said you would go at seven. Just chill out and have fun, you can do twice the amount of work tomorrow.

Do we look worried about work tomorrow?

You will end up somewhere you don’t normally go

Rather than ending up at a conventional drinking or clubbing spot, you could end up in PT on a Sunday night, or in Bridge on a Wednesday night, the possibilities are endless. You may even end up at your next favourite watering hole.

It definitely has nothing to do with your drinking habit

I promise you aren’t an alcoholic for this and that you shouldn’t have even gone to the pub in the first place. I mean, you only meant to have one pint didn’t you?

They all have 9am’s