There are delays to Brookes buses following an incident in Oxford

Hythe Bridge street has been closed off

In the last hour it is understood Hythe Bridge Street by Oxford train station has been closed due to an incident involving a man on top of a building.

Police officers are at the scene and are redirecting traffic and pedestrians.

The U1 Brookes bus travelling to Harcourt Hill campus have been diverted away from the train station, leading to likely delays.

Brookes student Imy Awan was travelling on the U1 from Harcourt Hill campus when he discovered the bus was in a: “rather scenic, country-looking setting.

Innconvenient: Students are being forced to ride a shuttle bus to get to campus

“I knew we had been diverted, but I didn’t know the reason why. It took ages to get home.”

Thames Valley Police spokesman James Williams said officers were dealing with a “fear for welfare” incident.

A woman from the nearby Chinese restaurant Sojo at the bottom of George Street told The Oxford Mail: “The whole street has been closed off and we have been told nobody is allowed to leave or enter.

“A policeman said the street could be closed for one hour or 10 hours.”

It is understood that police officers are now talking to the man.