Do you have what it takes to become the next Brookes Tab editor?

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but we’re kind of a big deal

The Tab Brookes has grown in popularity over this past year and now its your chance to get involved with the number one student news source on campus.

We had you covered for the major events happening in and around campus.

From the monumental decision to move teaching facilities from the dreaded grey mass some call ‘Wheatley’ to interviewing the major players involved in this years Fight Night competition.

We uncovered the scandalous amount a former VC received in expenses and got paid to be injected with the Ebola virus.

The Tab are always on the look out for new and enthusiastic writers to join our team, so if you think you fit the bill then get involved.

You don’t need bags of experience to join us, just a sense of humour and positive attitude.

If this all sounds like fun (it is) click here to sign up and come along to our next meeting.

We will also be looking out for a new editor for next year. As an editor you would be responsible for chairing weekly meetings, organising socials and ensuring quality articles ideas are commissioned each week. You’ll gain invaluable editorial experience in addition to a great talking point on your CV.

Features Writer Emily Housden said:

“I enjoy writing for something which gives freedom about what you are going to Write and I like the social aspect to the tab too, it’s a good way to meet different people at the university”

Fashion writer Nikki Timey agreed that

“It’s great to see your name published above an article online and get experience under your belt in the industry”

How to apply to become editor

Email [email protected] by April 14th with:

• Your CV

• Three article ideas (one news, one feature and one argument)

• Why you’d make a good editor

• How you will improve The Tab Brookes

If you have any questions, just drop us an email.