10 Weirdest Books In Brookes Library

You definitely won’t find any of these books in the short loan section.


Procrastination reached a new low when The Tab took it upon itself to go in search of the weirdest books in the main library. It was a struggle to find the weird and wonderful, none of which we can imagine anyone ever wanting to read, but searching for random words like ‘gnomes’ and ‘potato’ helped narrow down the search:

1. Why Not Torture Terrorists?

Yes, indeed, why not?

2. Caring for Lesbian and Gay People: A Clinical Guide

We didn’t think they were a different breed to humans, but okay.

3. Treating Lesbians and Bisexual Women

No really, we didn’t think that lesbians were that different. Why are there multiple guides to ‘treating’ them?

4. Potato Science and Technology

Not that weird. We’re just confused as to how much technology there can be in growing a potato?

5. Molluscs: Caudofoveata, Solenogastres, Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda

We literally have no idea what the fuck this means but try saying it five times.

6. Colon and Rectal Cancer

Why do these people look so happy?

7. Castration and The Heavenly Kingdom: A Russian Folktale

The ultimate in bedtime reading.

Sadly, I could not physically locate 8, 9 and 10, but I will mention them for the sake of it because they were great.

8. Rum, Sodomy and the Lash

We both want and don’t want to know how these three things come together.

9. Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues

What’s worse is this was written by a woman.

And finally…

10. Rock n’ Roll Jews

As opposed to the sober, boring ones. This title is so great on so many levels.

We think any of them would make great Christmas reading. Let us know if they’re as interesting as the titles suggest.

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