chicken run

Bristol student is banned from eduroam for illegally downloading Chicken Run

In the middle of exam season

The Bristol University IT department has come down hard on a rogue fresher who, in a moment of supreme craftiness, illegally downloaded Chicken Run while connected to eduroam.

Gianna Mulville-Zanetta, a first year Social Policy student, was busted by an elite team of University IT technicians earlier this week.

The hapless criminal was attempting to watch the 2000 stop motion comedy-drama about Mr and Mrs Tweedy’s nefarious plan to turn their chicken farm into a pie farm due to revision boredom.

A happy picture of Miss Zanetta and her boyfriend before she was banned

Gianna received an email from Bristol IT department informing her that she will be unable to use eduroam for a whole month.

Following the completion of a month in the 4G wilderness, Miss Zanetta will have to come to the lions den that is the Uni IT help desk and prove that she has removed Chicken Run from her computer.

When asked about her predicament Miss Zanetta told us:

“Its so annoying that this has happened during exam season. Adding insult to injury, I hadn’t realised that Chicken Run is actually already on Netflix!”

It’s good to see that our £9000 a year are not going to waste.