Superman actor Henry Cavill flies Bristol fresher over to New Zealand for a romantic holiday

And you spent your reading week at home

Whether you spent your reading week studying hard or partying on the Triangle every night you can bet that you had an average time compared to Bristol fresher Tara King.

The 19 year old History of Art student was taken by superstar actor Henry Cavill to New Zealand for a week long holiday.

What a catch

The third of three holidays she has taken with the devilishly handsome celebrity, Tara was taken to meet Henry’s parents in Wellington.

The news that Miss King has already met her lover’s family clears all away all doubt over the relationship’s status and but critics continue to voice their shock over the pair’s 13 year age difference.

The pair at a rugby match

First seen at a rugby match in Twickenham, the pair have defied all criticism and carried on with their fairy tale romance since.

Tara first met Henry at London club Mahiki, favourite haunt of celebrities, in August.

Tara King (left)

So next time that you’re in a seminar and you dream of a Leonardo DiCaprio-esque figure sweeping you off your feet, remember that your fantasies will literally never come true.

Tara King, however, lives those fantasies whenever she wants.