Vods for votes

NUS candidate vows to splurge entire budget on booze

A Brizzle NUS candidate, has pledged to blow the annual £50k spent by UBU on NUS membership on masses of booze instead.

Ballsy Jen Salisbury Jones, a third year Physics student, writes in her manifesto, “I am open to suggestions on how the money could be better spent. I favour ideas involving shed-loads of beer. And gin. Gin is always good.”

It’s a gin-gin situation

The candidate is taking a drastically different approach to the other hopefuls, who are all offering slightly more vanilla pledges.

Ready to get the rounds in

Speaking to The Tab, Jen said, “Last year UBU only had £30k to spend on society grants, yet wasted £50k on the NUS. What a waste of your money.

“The ‘spend the money on booze’ angle is pretty tongue-in-cheek but if it generates debate on whether the NUS is good value for money then great.”

Five victorious candidates will attend this year’s NUS conference as Bristol’s delegates, and are expected to vote “in line with UBU policy agreed by Student Council and Members’ Meetings”. Voting closes at noon this Friday.