Handbags At Chen Paces
Complaints by Chen’s team against rival candidate dismissed by union as unfair
A savage attack of Rob Griffiths’ presidential campaign has been dismissed as unfair by Union officials, with six of the seven complaints brought against the candidate dropped after appeal.
James Morton, a member of Kelvin Chen’s campaign team, filed an official complaint with the Union on Tuesday morning, claiming Rob’s campaign had overspent, misused Facebook and had used negative tactics to portray Kelvin as a ‘joke vote’.
Rob was also falsely accused of using Burst Radio software to create his campaign website and video, when it was in fact created using software ‘available to any other candidate’.
Following the initial investigation, three of the seven complaints were upheld. However, after an appeal two of those were overturned, meaning the only complaint deemed fair was a £20 overspend by Rob’s campaign.
As punishment, Rob was suspended from campaigning from 6pm Wednesday night until 1pm the next day.
When speaking to The Tab, Rob expressed bemusement at some of the charges his rival attempted to level against him, one of which included rigging Facebook to force people into liking a page.
“Seven charges were levelled at me, and the only thing that hasn’t been dismissed as unfair was a slight overspend. The rest were baseless accusations.”
Bristol Dramsoc were quick to jump on the story, tweeting James Morton’s accusations seemed to be an act of ‘desperation’. The tweet was quickly deleted but has been preserved here for Tab readers.
When asked for comment about his complaint, James Morton told The Tab he was too busy to speak to us as he was out campaigning, and wouldn’t be available for comment until tomorrow afternoon once the polls have closed.
The incident is the second high-profile attempt this year to derail a candidate’s campaign, following a smear attack on Scott Darroch earlier this week.