Candidate Caricatures

This year’s election candidates get animated!

Part One

Student elections. Boring, pointless and easily ignored. 

Until now that is. In a blatant attempt to grab your attention The Tab have created cartoon doppelgängers for this year’s runners and riders. Even if your only reaction is “ooh, look at the pictures” at least you’ll be marginally better informed about who to vote for.

VP Education

Cartoon: Phuong Tee

Firstly, anyone disgruntled with their cartoon double can blame Tom Flynn as this was sort of his idea. Tom, the current Education VP, was voted the student officer most people would like to be stuck in a lift with which we assume means he’s quite charismatic. Either that or he doesn’t smell as much as the others.

Farooq Sabri and Amy Collis will both be hoping to prevent Tom from getting re-elected. Farooq has extensive experience as a student rep (no, we don’t know what one of those does either) and was even shortlisted for NUS Course Rep of the Year, an award so prestigious you probably never knew it existed.

Amy, as our cartoon suggests, plays Lacrosse and has also been a student rep. More importantly a quick Google search reveals her 2011 Jailbreak attempt failed to get past Harwich, something we’re sure you were just dying to know.

VP Community

L-R: Ellie Williams, Hugh Loxton, Charlotte Twine
Cartoon: Josh Gabbatiss

Last year Alice Peck ran unopposed for VP Community so a three-way race for the competition this year should make things more interesting. Both Ellie Williams and Charlotte Twine are involved with UBU Volunteering, so if you had a terrible time at speed dating recently blame them.

Ellie also writes for Vantage, the other other student newspaper in Bristol. As far as we know, Charlotte doesn’t write for anybody though we’re fairly confident she can write, even if she isn’t very good at designing posters.

Unlike the girls, we can’t find any proof Hugh Loxton has ever set people up on a date to raise money for charity. In fact, Google came up worryingly short on giving us any information about him at all. He has climbed a mountain in Scotland though so we’ll give him that.

VP Welfare & Equality

Cartoon: Phuong Tee

In the most crowded field in this year’s elections, Alessandra Berti is running for re-election against four other candidates. However, she is the only Swiss basketball player in the running which is surely unique enough to give her some sort of edge.

Looking at Alessandra’s competition we’d expect Non Humphries to be in her element come hustings given she is Director of Training for Bristol Debating Union. Also, she’s studying Experimental Psychology so be prepared for some mind-games.

Julia Bush‘s biggest claim to fame is she apparently once met David Mitchell (the one from Peep Show, not the Cloud Atlas author), providing the election race with perhaps its first celebrity endorsement.

Talking of Davids, Rhian Greaves reportedly fancies David Miliband. Which is…different, we guess. She can also be seen gracing the pages of the 2014 Undergraduate Prospectus which, as anyone will tell you, is a plum gig.

Our internet search for information about the final contestant Ioana Dumitrescu initially came up light. However, using our finest investigative skills (by which we mean we checked her Facebook) we found she blogs under the pseudonym Anastasia Hye, which off the top of our heads could be an election first.

Part Two to come later this week, with candidates for Sport & Health, Activities and President.