Us students really need to get better at cooking

Note: putting the oven on gas mark 5 and throwing a tray in there doesn’t count.


Hi, I’m Adam, a second year marketing student at BU, and I’ve seen my fair share of disastrous “meals”.

Here’s me getting scared by the blender we found in my housemate’s cupboard, whilst trying to make pesto. Bon appetite!

We’ve all had a flatmate who’s burnt their pizza, or you’ve never seen eat a vegetable, but why? Why must students maintain the stereotype that we’re terrible cooks? Why must we have terrible diets?

Aimee…girl…that isn’t a meal…2/10.

I understand that when moving to Bournemouth, an area with Deliveroo, from an area that didn’t have Deliveroo, it can be tempting. KFC at your door in 30 minutes, what more could you want? But I cannot tell you the satisfaction you feel after eating a fresh, nutritious and decent meal!

Fresh herbs are bare cheap!!!! Bone app the teeth!!

The best way I recommend to improve your cooking skills is watch as many cooking shows on television or online as you can! Watching people cook with such ease and self-assurance really does boost your confidence. Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals is my favourite, even the YouTube channel SortedFood is a great way to learn new skills and increase your curiosity in cooking!

If you’re scared, or lazy, cook with a friend!  

Damn, look at that cheesy bacon broccoli pasta bake, bon flick my tit!

Heres some other tips…Do not forget about your fresh foods. *cough* Matthew Corr *cough*

Do not buy cheap salt shakers *cough* Georgia Young *cough*

Do not forget a baking tray…

Jessica has presented caramelised chicken nuggets and potato waffles, with a dressing of water…

Basically, we’re still getting used to this, be proud when you finish a meal! Even if it involved a 10 minute FaceTime call with mum showing different angles of the chicken, asking if it is cooked…