Vice Chancellor Sir David Eastwood will not receive bonus in 2020/2021

His base pay will not change

The University Renumeration Committee have decided not to reward performance-related pay to any senior staff including the Vice Chancellor.

The decision was made in October 2020 due to the pandemic.

Sir David Eastwood’s total pay will fall from £457,000 to £397,000.

In the 2019/2020 accounts released last month, it was reported that the Vice Chancellor  received a £61k bonus.

Whilst the bonus has been cut from the Vice Chancellor’s salary, there will be no change to his salary.

The Renumeration Committee decided to make no changes to base pay, so the Vice Chancellor’s salary will remain at £397,000

In 2020, it was reported that Sir David Eastwood refused to take a pay cut to his £450,000 pay package despite the financial pressure the university has been placed under during the pandemic.

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