Third years eat dead fish found outside their home in Selly

One of them made sushi

cook fish hate love no selly oak the tab birmingham the tab brum yes

Last night a house of six third years found dead fish scattered on their doorstep – so they decided to take advantage of this mysterious delivery by cooking up and eating the fish in a delightful Sunday night meal.

The lads, who live on Bournbrook Road, posted pictures of their bizarre evening on Facebook – with one housemate making sushi out of the discarded fish.

George, Nick, Duncan, Pierre, Kim-Yung and James told The Tab about their discovery: “We went and had a few beers at The Pear, came back to our humble abode and sat down to watch a romantic movie when we were interrupted by our housemate claiming that some fish were outside.

“I got excited thinking that they were alive and that we could keep them.

“But they were dead so we cooked them instead.”

It is currently unknown how the fish ended up outside the boy’s house, but George is offering the following reward: “Any information that comes forward will be rewarded with a seafood dinner.”

Where did he come from?

Fish dinner for the night

Third year student George posted on the Fab and Fresh page after discovering the fish: “To whoever kindly gifted us a fish platter, sorry that you dropped it on our front door we appreciate the effort of you posting the 3 good ones through our door.

“Nothing a lemon wedge and some light seasoning couldn’t rectify.

“If you’re going to consider dropping some more round bear in mind that we’re partial to a little red snapper; if you know what I mean.”

The final years have recently decided to step up their culinary skills by making sushi out of the fish.

In order to commemorate the occasion, they have decided to keep a fish in a pint glass and have named it Jay-T.

Two of the boys with Jay T

The Tab hopes anyone with information about the fish comes forward soon – if you do know anything, please get in touch with us immediately.