Meet the fauxminists: The women who think feminism is the new black

It appears feminism is the new colour in women’s wardrobes this season, but is it being worn more like Primark than Prada?

Nowadays we women have the vote, we can stand as MPs (if you struggle with morality) and are legally entitled to equal pay.

Although there are many aspects of sexism that still exist in society, feminism seems to have lost its meaning slightly.

Too many girls adopt feminism as a fashion trend – you can’t pick it up in a charity shop with the rest of your 90s “threads”, and it doesn’t come and go with the season.

Walk into the club like… (am I doing this right?)

Being a ‘feminist’ has become for some, a kind of misdirected anger and sense of entitlement.

Without being patronising, this is a shame for those who genuinely understand and defend a philosophy that has the ability to benefit both men and women.

I’d say there are two types of what are called ‘faux-minists’.

The first type is the one that detests men that tell them to “get back in the kitchen,” or “shouldn’t you be doing the ironing?”

But they’re also the kind of feminist that will rage at street-side wolf whistles, and then hours later flirt to get their own way, expecting guys to open doors and give up bus seats for them.

Now forgive me if I’m wrong, but there is a difference between being a confident woman and just using your female assets to get you places- you can’t have it both way ladies.

These women should maybe read up on a bit of George Orwell’s Animal Farm: 

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

The second type of fake feminist is potentially worse.

These are the girls who take on feminism as a universal defence mechanism, to the point where they are just down right delusional, and are in fact only doing damage to themselves.

Whilst some men may genuinely look down on women and see them as inferior, this is no longer the norm in our society.

If you didn’t get the job, it isn’t because the guy was a sleazeball who just saw you as an object, and neither did that professor give you a 2:1 because he thought a woman couldn’t possibly produce the same kind of intellect as himself.

It may happen on occasion, but if you didn’t get the place, or that all important grade, it was probably because you just didn’t do a good enough job.

Maybe the person who got the job was just a better choice, and maybe you should read more books of the academic variety, over attending your militant feminist society rallies on a daily basis.

And if the box is too heavy too carry, don’t try and make a point, just let the man who’s offered to help you carry it.

Believe it or not, even though he has a one-eyed milkman in his trousers and is physically stronger than you, he may in fact just be trying to be polite?

I can carry my own cupcake thanks

These pretenders need to realise that feminism is a progressive movement with which to continue and improve the social equation for women, not just a resource you can call upon when you want to get your own way, or are in need of an excuse.

As a woman in the 21st century, I’m not going to sit in a parlour sewing and practicing the waltz to a bit of Baroque, but we need to know the limits of feminism so as not to use it in vain.

And if women continue to adopt and drop feminism in the same vain as fashion, it will cease to stand for anything of real value.

I’m not anti-feminist, but I can’t defend hypocritical girls trying to find a label they think will show how “contemporary” they are.

To quote our saviour Beyoncé: “I do believe in equality. But why do you have to choose what type of woman you are? Why do you have to label yourself anything?”

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Amen.