Stupid Tuesday Blissfully returns

With the devastating news that Bliss closed over the summer, we are buzzing with anticipation for it to be returning to the re-named Player’s Bar

We were all truly devastated with the sudden closure of much loved Stupid Tuesday’s home ‘Bliss’ in the summer. However, the Stig will be back where he belongs tomorrow night when the club will be reopening.

The Stig and Stupid Tuesday have been homeless for the past couple of months, touring other popular venues such as Snobs and the Guild, but Tuesday will see its return home- and it’s had a bit of a revamp.

Will new venue ‘The Player’s Bar’ be able to take the place of much loved Bliss? Debatable.

Well this is new…

The new venue calls itself “a new night life venue with punchy party panache”. Sounds a bit too fancy for the goers of Stupid Tuesday; what happened to sticky floors and overcrowded staircases?

But even with its new glowing refurbishment, the venue will still sport the usual cheap drinks and so maybe it won’t be so bad after all.

I’ll see you there…

Tickets for Stupid Tuesday’s event are limited and even though the new Player’s Bar may not be the same as Bliss, it’s still Stupid Tuesdays and, who knows, we may enjoy a little more sophisticated weekday night.
