Question Time comes to UoB

Question Time will be filmed from campus tonight

Tonight UoB will play host to the BBC’s topical debate programme Question Time.

Instead of the Great Hall, the prestigious show will be filmed from the Bramall Music Building.

Setting up for tonight’s show

This will be QT’s third visit to the University of Birmingham.

Manager of the music building Martin Hewitt-Moran hopes “this will raise awareness of the building as a top class event venue”.

Well, Martin, if everything runs smoothly and Dimbleby delivers a sharp performance (which sources confirm: “he will”) we think you might be right.

On the panel are Grant Shapps MP, Yvette Cooper MP, Kirsty Williams, Mehdi Hasan and Quentin Letts.

You can watch it tonight on BBC1 at 10.35pm or, if you failed to get a TV license, head to campus where you might be able to catch a glimpse of the proceedings.