Most embarrassing things we all do while exhausted from studying

If you can’t laugh at yourself who will eh? Here’s a list of the top 10 mistakes you could make when exhausted after a marathon study session. Just sit back, relax and procrastinate….

| UPDATED exhausted list tired top 10

1. Pay for Starbucks with your student card

All you wanted was a coffee. You’re exhausted and everything looks kind of blurry because you’ve been staring at the computer screen all night.

“Can I have a mocha-café-latté-god-knows-what please?” I’m sure we’ll look back to our uni days and laugh at this one… still cringe worthy at the time though.

So many cards I couldn’t be bothered looking at… Just take my money please…

2. Walk into pillars in the library

You’re stressed, the end is near. You’re walking towards the printer daydreaming about what you can do in your next “study break.”


Before you know it you’ve face planted a large beige pole, it takes you a while to realise you haven’t walked into someone… but only after loudly and profusely apologising in front of as many people as physically possible.

3. Get frustrated with typing so use snapchat instead

You’ve been looking at the computer screen for god knows how many hours. Your fingers are now too clumsy to type on that stupid touch screen you paid so much for.

Says it all really

You’re attempting to text your friend to let them know you’re still alive but the words just aren’t legible in the text box. Screw this, just snapchat them with a sad face. That’ll work.

4. Forget to button up your jeans…again

You’ve just taken your first study break in hours. The relief and freedom of undoing your top jeans button feels fantastic. So fantastic you strut out of the bathroom and manage to make it back to your seat with the button undone.

You sit down and suddenly realise your embarrassing mistake. Oh well… you’ll never see these people studying at 2am again right?! Apart from that one guy… that guy who is in your class. Shit.

5. Trip up the stairs on the way to class

You’re stressed as hell, sleep deprived and trying to be a good student by going to class in the days coming up to an essay deadline… your mind is going crazy, too crazy to focus on what is going on around you.

Should’ve just used the lift

All of a sudden, you misjudge how high a step is. Failing at the first hurdle. Should’ve just caught up on sleep.

6. Pick up your phone thinking it’s your calculator

cos⁡α+cos⁡β=2 cos⁡〖1/2 (α+β)〗 cos⁡〖1/2 (α-β)〗
What the…. Huh? You were on a roll… so close to finishing.

I wonder if I can use the calculator on this?

Your brain has decided to take a study break of its own, you reach for the calculator while wondering whether to take a coffee break and thinking about how warm it is in the library.

You look down… you’ve picked up your stupid phone again, where the hell is that calculator anyway?!

7. Daydreaming while accidentally making awkward eye contact

Hmm what’s for dinner? I wonder what’s happening on Facebook? Should I text my girlfriend? Probably should… Aw crap! You’ve been looking at that awkward looking girl with the blue hair the entire time.

She probably thinks you don’t like her hair now. Actually it’s quite cool… she’s looking at you like you’re a judgemental bastard now. Oops.

8. Drop your books because you’re concentrating on walking down stairs

Floor 1- RC340 MACN, Floor 3- QA336 KILT…. You’re carrying god knows how many books. You can’t see your feet walking down the stairs and have an intrinsic fear of falling down those marble stairs of death.

You try to peep over your mountain of books to see where you’re going but your tired brain has failed you in not thinking of the consequences of this.

Suddenly, your arm slips and all the books fall down the stairs. The librarians look at you as if you’ve just murdered someone. Umm… sorry?

9. Trip over someone’s chair/bag in the library

You’ve just finished your masterpiece. Your eyes are burning and you feel like shit but its so nearly over! You strut towards the printer confidently… proud to say you’re still standing after the marathon essay writing session.

Then some silly arsehole’s bag appears out of nowhere in the middle of the floor. You manage to save yourself from face planting the floor but still pretty badly stumbled in front of everyone.

You walk the rest of your journey to the printer with a shameful face on while avoiding eye contact with everyone.

The innocent-looking death trap

10. Laughing at nothing

You’ve done an all nighter in the library. You bump into your best friend…. It’s the first social interaction you’ve had in a while.

You’re both reduced to talking rubbish. Before long you both log into Facebook on your computers. One meme… that’s all it’s taken, you’re both crying with laughter, trying to be quiet enough so the librarian doesn’t hear you.

LOLOLOL crippling study anxiety lol

This is one of the more beautiful moments of hysteria caused by sleep-deprivation… enjoy it.

At the end of the day, we’ve all been exhausted studying. Just remember to take regular breaks and get as much sleep as you can to help your concentration! Good luck with exams!