How to look good during the exam period

We could all do with some help to avoid looking like a zombie as our uni life falls in around us.

exams health stress

Your physical appearance is probably the last thing on your mind as you face numerous exams and deadlines but of course you don’t want to look like a complete train wreck so here are some useful tips to help you look your best (or at least as good as you are capable of looking at this strenuous time.)

Make up

It’s all about the make-up (even if you are a natural beauty).

First of all, Primer: I swear by this, whether it’s a boozy night on the town or a dreaded day of university – this magical little invention will hide a multitude of sins!

It will assist you in reducing pores, lines, blemishes and keep them unavoidable imperfections hidden.

Concealer: We females need to say a big thank you to whoever created this miraculous product! Noone will ever know that you have bags under your eyes heavier than your summer suitcase.

Magic in a bottle


Ex foliating mask

Trust me in the midst of exams these may seem like a luxury but they are in fact a NECESSITY!  Try to find the time to wear one of these; your skin will definitely appreciate it and who couldn’t do with a clearer complexion!

If you do happen to have a spare half an hour (unlikely) a hair conditioning mask will also eliminate that dark, dreary and dull image your degree has imposed on your hair!


It may seem basic but stay hydrated, on the inside and the outside! Moisturiser and water are going to be your best friends during this exhausting time period.

Perhaps not the fluids we mean…


I know every moment may seem precious and all-nighters are becoming frequent for many but you have to give your body and mind time to rest.

Tidy room equals tidy mind. Essential for a good night’s kip.


Breathe In, Breathe Out! It may seem simple but breathe deeper. If only for a moment, this technique will reduce the stress and relax us, it might not alter your appearance but it will at least make you feel more calm and collected.

All this may sound like an incapable amount of effort but trust me; it’s definitely worth making yourself look and feel better with your depressing and never-ending workload!