5 People Who Ruin a Night Out

We’ve all had to deal with them, and now we help you identify them. The next time you go out, beware of these five dangerous night-ruiners.

We all love a night out. There is no better way to celebrate actually attending lectures for once than hitting the drink, strutting (more likely stumbling) your stuff on the dance floor and partying the night away with your mates. However, the chunderers, the life-story revellers and the bar-standing creeps are just the tip of the nightlife nightmare; check out these demon students of Belfast and see if you can identify the alter egos of your group!

The Hysteric Crier

There is always that girl who has one tequila shot too much and suddenly the floodgates of female logic is unleashed. It might be over that one boy she longs to marry or the fact that so-and-so didn’t do the dishes that evening; either way the make-up resembles that of the Joker and whilst someone will be going ‘sure, she’ll be grand,’ you know someone has to play babysitter. The night is ruined and your shirt is going to need some serious washing from your ma.

Such spillage, much emotion


The Drunken Disaster

We’ve all been there. Lying through our teeth that ‘yes, of course the club will let you in!’ to that one person who has consumed more than their body weight in liquor. You hit the bar and hear the dreaded words ‘Chocolate tequila’ and next thing your friend is projectile vomiting over the barman. Don’t even bother trying to talk yourself out of it with the bouncers. It’s an inevitable taxi ride home and you’ll spend of the rest of your evening force-feeding water to a friend that resembles something from The Exorcist. If you can identify the drunken disaster, there is only one solution – just don’t let them go out in the first place. Simples.

A much too common scene for students; one vomits, the other sees a sexy photo opportunity


The Sober Sulker

You clearly aren’t in the party mood, you haven’t even hit the point of tipsy, and everyone else is acting like they’re at a house party in the Holylands. No matter how much you want to drink, you have suddenly become immune to alcohol and intoxication. You don’t want to go out, no one else wants you to go out because you’re a ‘party pooper’; just don’t go out.

Even if you are a sober sulker, there will always be someone to laugh with/at at the end of the night


The ‘Care-free’ Couple

Now, not every couple is like this, and it might not even apply to the couples that you are actually out with, however, it is guaranteed the troublesome duo will appear at some point in the night. The ones at the bar having a flirty tiff over who’s going to pay, taking so long that you and the barman just start having one of those awkward eye conversations of annoyance and sympathy for each other. The ones in the smoking area creating an atmosphere of pure cringe as they reveal how much they hate each other only to reconcile 5 minutes later. And the ones in the middle of the dance floor sucking the life out of each other like dementors. Couples, when you’re in that situation go home and sort it out, don’t let your mates and the rest of the nightclub play witness to something that horrible.


The Early Eater

The early bird catches the worm is definitely appropriate for this night time creature. One drink down and they already want to grab a Kebabish, or dare we think, a dirty Gilgamesh. Not only do you want to have a good groovy down on the dance floor before drunkenly munching a disgusting kebab, you know now that this famished party-goer is going to be following you until you agree to get a cab to KFC and pig out on a Bargain Bucket.

Delicious food paradise for the drunken students of Belfast…

So the next time you’re out be on the lookout for any of these offenders (Tip: If you can’t spot them, it’s you. It’s definitely you).