FOMO is ruining your life, but you’re still in denial

Life is so hard

| UPDATED aberystwyth alcohol clubbing drinking fear of missing out fomo going out pier pressure student yoko's

That average night out you had last night probably wasn’t worth it, but you made damn sure you were there anyway. No party’s complete without you, right?

You know you’ve got a huge Fear Of Missing Out, and you’re in denial to everyone. Really, they already know – and deep down, so do you.

You’re the person most people message at 11pm with the simple question: “Out tonight?” Your reply of course – even if it wasn’t before – is “YES”.

You’re the first to click “attending” on any event, and the easiest person to persuade for a night out. Lack of money and early lectures won’t stop you: just think of all the fun people are having without you if you don’t go.

There is always a bottle of rose around somewhere…

Not surprisingly, all those nights out, fuelled with the potential to be the best nights ever, have just left you with an empty bank account. Except for the loose change scattered round your room, and the emergency money your mum reluctantly put in your account to feed yourself with, you’re skint.

But somehow you always manage to find enough spare change to get drunk and journey into Yoko’s at any given opportunity.

The worst offenders are the ones scrimping around the bar saying: “You get in the first round and I’ll get the next”, before disappearing into the night with their free drink in hand, never to be seen again.

The next day you wake up with a banging headache, an empty wallet, and angry friends still demanding it’s your round.

But the vodka and greasy kebab were worth it surely?

Who ever wants to miss out though?

It might leave you broke, but with the amount you’re out on the town you must get lucky more than others. But in actual fact, when it comes down to it you’re incredibly alone.

Who wants to be romantically associated with that person? The one known on campus as the person who is always out. Chances are, most people think of you as someone you’re guaranteed to see staggering outside Lip-Licking at 4am on a Tuesday night.

Not exactly someone to introduce to the parents.

Forever alone

But you know your FOMO really is ruining your life when you’ve already convinced yourself missing your 9am lecture again this week (for the third week running) is fine.

You promised yourself you’ll stay in tonight and do all the prep that’s managed to build up.  How hard is it to read 300 pages in one night anyway?

But that plan is completely ruined when the inevitable text message pops up: “What’s the plan for tonight?”

You know you what you have to do, so you do the opposite. Who needs a degree when you’ve got all these incredible memories of endless nights out that all blur into one?

That’s enough for tonight

Yoko’s anyone?

Anyway, you can pull an all-nighter tomorrow and get your essay done then.

Perfect balance of work hard, play hard.

Basically, FOMO has ruined your life. Your Fear Of Missing Out has left you broke, failing and single.

But, then again, you’re only young once. So, who’s out tonight?