Get off your phone, you’re the worst kind of person

Come back into the real world

Are smart phones making us anti-social? No – YOU’RE making yourself anti-social.

Whether you’re at a party, in Pier, or we’re just trying to have a chat, please get off your phone.

Get off your phone – you’re at pre-drinks

You – yes you – sitting on the sofa, ignoring conversation in favour of a scroll through your news feed: you’re the worst kind of person.

Sitting on your phone at a social event just screams “I would rather be somewhere else.”

And let me tell you something, I’d rather you were somewhere else too, because all you do is complain that you missed your turn in Ring of Fire because you’re sat on your phone. Then you have your go. And then you’re straight back on your phone.

Get off your phone – you’re on the dancefloor

We go out to socialise and probably to hold your hair back when you’re being sick – not to become the worlds biggest third wheel to you and your iPhone.

Sure, Aberystwyth’s clubbing night-life leaves a lot to be desired. But do you realise how much of a twat you look when you’re standing in the middle of the dancefloor, thumbing your way through Twitter? I’ll answer that for you – a massive one.

Nobody is forcing you to be here. You have every right – if you really are that bored – to go home.

While we’re stumbling around, convincing each other we can actually slut-drop and wondering how soon is too soon for another shot, you’re standing awkwardly next to us looking at the same shit that was on your newsfeed at pre-drinks.

I hope you’re having a good night.

Get off your phone – we’re having a conversation

Nothing is more disheartening than having to repeat what I was saying three times just because you were pre-occupied choosing a filter for a selfie you took two weeks ago.

Such activities should be reserved only for long train journeys or really boring lectures, not over a lunch you asked me to come out for because “you haven’t seen me since forever”.

We’re all 21st Century screen-slaves to a certain degree, and we’re all partial to a good old Instagram of our dinner nobody cares about. But I am simply asking for some old-fashioned face time because, at the moment, all I feel like saying to you is… am I really that boring? (You don’t need to answer that).