Did your grandparents meet at Institute in 1967?

Help find the couple who found love in a hopeless place

Institute are searching for a couple who met on the site of the club in 1967 through Facebook. It’s almost as romantic as trying to find someone on Facebook that you pulled at Skite.

The plaque is just outside the club and states “Ian Met Yvonne Here on 5th Oct ’67 and fell in love”.

Photo credit: Institute

The club posted a Facebook status last week which said “On 5th October 1967, 48 years ago, Ian met Yvonne. We want to find the couple to hear their story <3

With Valentines Day coming up this weekend we’re on a mission to find the stars of the plaque which is outside our front door!”

Institute also started the hashtag #whereianmetyvonne in a bid to find the pair.

The couple weren’t tracked down in time for Valentines day, but the post has been liked and shared in attempt to find the couple.

The post currently has 87 shares and another plaque which states “Ian Courted Yvonne Here 1967-68 and had lots of fun” has been discovered in Victoria Park.

Before becoming an infamous nightclub, the Institute was also music venue and cinema, but it is unclear what the premises was used for when the couple met.

Just think, you could meet the love of your life at Vanity tonight.