New halls to replace Matalan – but manager has no idea

It won’t be ready til 2017 anyway

Matalan is set to close down at the end of the year and a new shiny set of Unite halls will replace it.

Unite’s planning and design manager said the company want to meet councillors to talk about the investment before the new year.

But sources reveal that despite this, the local store manager at Matalan says she hasn’t heard any about this, and the lease on the building isn’t up either.

Earlier this year we told you about how the University of Aberdeen made students homeless twice, and the lucky ones were made to live in a common room.

But it’s ok because Unite are pulling it out of the bag once again and will be building a new set of student flats near the beach.

Unite are making more accommodation, what have you done today?

Constitution Street currently houses some of the local offshore oil workers and is adjacent to Urquhart Road- a prime student area.

So don’t worry if you end up living there, it’ll still cater to your party needs.

No more shared rooms

You never know Jackmaster or an S Club member might rock up.

But the build won’t be ready for another three years so Aberdeen may still struggle to cope with its new found popularity.

Imagine being even closer to the beach

So maybe this is a pipeline dream for Unite.