Rugby rookie hits ground after troublesome tackle

Dance-off with committee member leaves ruggers fresher hospitalised

A fresher was rushed to hospital during the King Street Shuffle after challenging his committee member to a dance-off.

Ben woke up in hospital thanks to some responsible rugby players.

This is how Ben saw the dance-off

At the initiation, the freshers were blindfolded and taken into one of the committee member’s houses and given adult nappies to wear – or were made to strip to their underwear and given a training bib.

Drunk on bottles of tequila and vodka, the warm-up at the house one rugby player said the freshers were “pretty fucked”.

Many students were forced to complete a drinking challenge that confirmed their initiation. One of them said: “We had to plank over a pint while our cock and balls were in the drink. Whoever fell first had to chin their drink and their opponents’.”

Plastered Ben was then challenged to a dance-off by a committee member.

The fresher and his older opponent then decided to chest-bump, causing Ben to bounce off and smack his head against a wall.

The William Wallace wannabe immediately got up, keen to finish the battle.

But an ambulance was called. Senior players decided it was best to take him to hospital.

This little piggy never made it home.

Ben woke up hungover in hospital in the morning.

And the rugby boys proved themselves upstanding members of society by making sure their fresher was OK.  

Club Captain Andrew Mustard said: “I feel committee members handled the incident with Ben well.”

Maybe next year there should be fewer dance-offs, for the sake of all the Bens out there.

Ben got served.