I AM BNOC: The Social Media Game

To BNOC, or not to BNOC, that is the question.

Like all successful brands, social media presence is paramount in today’s hi-tech age for a BNOC to establish their status and to maintain a strong public image. In fact, some BNOC’s may have been scouted after the chance discovery of a single club photograph during a scroll through Liquid’s Wednesday night album, a sort of reverse ‘diamond in the rough’.

The BNOC has almost certainly had at least one of the above captured by a club photographer. It may in turn then become their profile picture, (which is never a nice picture of themselves, for that would lack the essential banter factor) which will continue to amass in excess of 100 likes…simply for looking purposefully unattractive and inspiring dreams.

In a rare case of triumph, an exceptionally good photograph may have soared to national status…

No BNOC would waste their time trying to look good in photos, oh no. No photo should be taken seriously, it’s Facebook after all, not a modelling portfolio. Pulling faces and triple chins are not just for Snapchat, smiling is for losers who don’t want their name chanted like their very own national anthem every time they pick up a drink. The BNOC has to be versatile and inventive in front of the camera, thinking on the spot when faced with the club photographer.

De-tagging just isn’t an option, how would they keep an eye on the like count otherwise?