Our last quiz was too easy, so try this super hard Princess Diaries trivia quiz instead

There’s a princess inside all of us

Everyone knows Anne Hathaway, from Devil Wears Prada to Interstellar. The Princess Diaries is not only the best thing to come out of 2001, but the best teen girl movie to grace our existence. You either love it or you haven’t seen it, and that’s a fact.

If the words Genovia, Mia Thermopolis, or Grove High School don’t flood back magical nostalgic memories for you, then you haven’t had a childhood, teenage years, or even adult years. There’s a princess inside all of us, we just need to dig down deep to find her. Put your Genovian knowledge to the test and see if you can remember the trials and tribulations of Mia Thermopolis:

Featured image via Disney+.

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